How to Clean Your
Computer Keyboard
Your computer keyboard is one of the most important tools you use, but it can also be one of the dirtiest. It collects dust, food crumbs, and other debris that can build up and make it difficult to type. If you don't clean your keyboard regularly, it can even become a breeding ground for bacteria and germs.
Here's how to clean your computer keyboard:
1. Unplug your keyboard. This will help to prevent you from accidentally sending any keystrokes while you're cleaning it.
2. Turn your keyboard upside down and shake it. This will help to remove any loose dust and crumbs.
3. Use a can of compressed air to blow dust and debris out from between the keys. Hold the can about 6 inches away from the keyboard and spray in short bursts.
4. Wipe down the keys with a soft, damp cloth. Be sure to get in between the keys and around the edges of the keyboard.
5. Let the keyboard dry completely before plugging it back in.
Additional tips for cleaning your computer keyboard:
* If your keyboard has removable keys, you can remove them and wash them in warm soapy water. Be sure to dry the keys thoroughly before reattaching them.
* If your keyboard has a built-in trackpad, you can clean it with a cotton swab dampened with isopropyl alcohol.
* Don't use harsh chemicals or abrasives to clean your keyboard, as these can damage the keys.
* Clean your keyboard regularly to prevent it from getting too dirty. The more often you clean it, the easier it will be to keep it clean.
By following these tips, you can keep your computer keyboard clean and free of dust, debris, and germs.