When IV fluids are running too slow?
- Make sure the IV bag is not empty. If the bag is empty, the fluid will not be able to flow.
- Check the IV tubing to make sure it is not crimped. Crimping the tubing can block the flow of fluid.
- Elevate the IV bag above the patient's heart. This will help to increase the pressure and allow the fluid to flow more easily.
- Warm the IV fluids. Cold fluids can cause the blood vessels to constrict and make it more difficult for the fluid to flow.
- Use a larger bore needle or catheter. A larger bore needle or catheter will allow the fluid to flow more easily.
- Monitor the patient's fluid intake and output. If the patient is not urinating or is urinating very little, the IV fluids may be running too fast and causing fluid overload.
- If none of the above steps work, consult with a doctor or nurse for further assistance.