How do you flush a portacath?
To flush a portacath:
1. Gather the necessary supplies:
- 0.9% normal saline or sterile water
- A Leur-lock syringe (10 mL or larger)
- A Leur-lock needle (25 gauge or smaller)
- Alcohol swabs
- Adhesive tape
- A sharps container
2. Prepare the portacath:
- Wash your hands and put on gloves.
- Cleanse the injection port with an alcohol swab.
- Remove the cap from the injection port.
3. Connect the syringe to the portacath:
- Attach the Leur-lock needle to the syringe.
- Insert the needle into the injection port.
- Tighten the needle hub to secure it in place.
4. Flush the portacath:
- Gently inject 10 mL of saline or sterile water into the portacath.
- Hold the syringe in place for a few seconds to allow the fluid to flow through the catheter.
- Withdraw the syringe plunger to aspirate any residual fluid.
5. Disconnect the syringe from the portacath:
- Loosen the needle hub and remove the needle from the injection port.
- Discard the syringe and needle into the sharps container.
6. Clean the injection port:
- Cleanse the injection port with an alcohol swab.
- Apply adhesive tape over the injection port to secure it.
7. Dispose of the supplies:
- Discard all used supplies into the appropriate waste containers.
- Wash your hands again.
Note: If you experience any resistance or pain during flushing, stop the procedure and contact your healthcare provider.