How do you nasopharyngeal swab?
1. Prepare the patient:
- Explain the procedure and obtain consent.
- Ask the patient to sit in a comfortable position with their head slightly tilted back.
2. Gather the necessary supplies:
- NP swab
- Sterile gloves
- Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as a mask, eye protection, and a gown.
3. Put on PPE.
4. Gently insert the swab into one nostril:
- Hold the swab like a pencil, with the tip pointing away from you.
- Insert the swab into the nostril, aiming towards the back of the throat.
- Advance the swab until resistance is met, usually about 2-4 inches.
5. Rotate the swab:
- Gently rotate the swab against the nasopharyngeal wall for 15-30 seconds.
- This will collect cells from the nasopharynx, which is where the SARS-CoV-2 virus is most likely to be present.
6. Slowly remove the swab:
- Rotate the swab as you withdraw it to ensure adequate sample collection.
7. Break the swab into the transport tube:
- There should be a line on the swab indicating where to break it.
- Snap the swab at this line and place the broken end into the transport tube containing viral transport medium.
8. Securely close the transport tube and label it:
- Attach a specimen label to the transport tube, including the patient's name, date of collection, and other relevant information.
9. Dispose of the used swab and PPE safely.
10. Wash your hands thoroughly.
Remember that performing NP swabs requires proper training and adherence to infection control protocols to ensure the safety of both the patient and healthcare provider.