Step-by-Step Yeast Detox
Visit your doctor for yeast testing. Your doctor will be able to determine the proper medication to treat your symptoms. Fill the prescription and take as directed or, if you prefer natural medications, skip to Step 2.
Take an antifungal supplement each day for three weeks. Natural antifungals include black walnut, caprylic acid, oregano oil, Pau d'Arco and cloves. All of these can be purchased at a health food store. Ask the staff for guidance and follow the manufacturer's directions for dosage and proper administration.
Eliminate all problematic foods from your diet for three weeks to starve the yeast. Problematic foods include sugar, gluten, fermented foods and dairy (with the exception of live-culture yogurt).
Remove all foods that contain sugar from your diet for three weeks. This includes natural sugar in addition to refined sugar, so avoid all fruits, candy, juice, chocolate, condiments, sauces, baked goods and anything that contains sugar or sweeteners.
Avoid glutinous foods for three weeks. Gluten is the protein found in most grains. Candida yeast feeds on gluten so remove all breads, baked goods, cereals, pastas, oats and anything made with wheat from your diet.
Omit any food that has been fermented from your diet for the three-week period. This includes aged cheese, mushrooms, vinegar and alcohol.
Eat a clean diet consisting of vegetables, lean protein (such as fish, chicken and eggs), seeds, nonglutinous grains (such as amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat) and live-culture yogurt. These foods nourish the body while not contributing to yeast growth.
Drink at least six glasses of water each day to help eliminate waste from your body.
Take a daily probiotic supplement following the three-week elimination diet. After you have cleansed and killed the yeast in your intestine, you will need to repopulate with beneficial bacteria. Probiotics are "good" bacteria that fight infection, balance pH and improve immune-system functioning. You can also find these in a health food store. Again, follow the manufacturer's directions for dosage and proper administration.
Reintroduce foods to your diet following the three-week cleanse. The best foods to introduce are beans, fruit and whole grains. You can return to your normal diet once the yeast overgrowth symptoms subside completely.