Master Cleanser Directions
Things You'll Need
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 2 water bottles
- 2 tbsp. pure maple syrup
- 1/10 teaspoon cayenne powder
- 8 oz. filtered water
- Herbal laxative tablets
- Oranges
- Orange juicer
- Broth or clear soups
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
Consult your doctor before beginning any cleanse or fast. Discuss with your physician how long is safe for you to cleanse. The traditional length for the Master Cleanser diet is 10 days. Ask your doctor if this is appropriate for you. The diet also includes taking large doses of herbal laxatives, so make sure your doctor approves of those as well.
Pour 2 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice into a water bottle. Use juice from real lemons. It is most effective to purchase fresh lemons and juice them the same day you will drink their juice.
Add the maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water to the water bottle. Put the lid on the water bottle and shake it to mix the ingredients. If you find that you can tolerate more cayenne pepper, add more until you reach your edge. Drink the lemonade mixture throughout the day, whenever you feel hungry.
Carry another water bottle full of filtered water around with you, along with the lemonade mixture. Drink one liter of pure water each day, along with your lemonade mixture.
Take three herbal laxative tablets before bedtime. The lemonade drink contains no fiber, so the laxatives will stimulate the bowel movements that are so important to a detoxification diet. The dosage should be large enough to create a bowel movement each morning.
Repeat this for 10 days, or however long you agreed to cleanse with your doctor.
Ease out of the Master Cleanser diet slowly. The day after your cleanse, drink only orange juice and water. Use an orange juicer to make two liters of fresh orange juice that you will drink throughout the first day off your cleanse. Stop taking the laxatives. Continue drinking purified water.
Move on to eating broths or clear soups on the second day after your cleanse. Eat as much soup as you want. Continue drinking water.
Eat raw fruits and vegetables on the third day off the cleanse. Eat 60 percent vegetables and 40 percent fruits, so the sugars in the fruit don't disrupt your blood sugar. Eat as often as you want.
Continue to eat a healthy, balanced diet free of meats and processed foods after you ease out of the cleanse.