Natural Ways to Cleanse the System
Colon Cleanse
Colon cleansing is the first step of a natural cleanse because it cleans the colon of impurities and makes it more efficient for flushing out toxins from the rest of your body. Achieve natural colon cleansing by taking colon-stimulating products either by mouth or through the rectum. These products include enemas, enzymes, powders, herbal teas, antiparasite capsules and laxatives. An alternative method, colon irrigation, is performed by a licensed colonic hygienist or colon therapist who uses a machine to pump water into the colon and flush out the impurities through a separate tube. The therapist may add enzymes, herbs, coffee or probiotics to boost the cleansing power of the water. After cleansing the colon, you can maintain a healthy colon by increasing your intake of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can be found in bran, fruit, vegetables and oatmeal, while insoluble fiber is found in cereal and whole-grain foods.
Natural Foods Diet
A natural food diet will provide the body with natural and organic foods that are easy to digest and provide the body with essential vitamins and nutrients that can rid the body of impurities. You will avoid foods that contain artificial sweeteners and other additives that are not found naturally. These unnatural foods cause the body to store toxins. You can eat natural fruits and vegetables raw, steamed or juiced. Juicing removes the fiber and pulp from the food so the body can absorb the nutrients faster. Fiber is necessary for healthy colon function, so eat some whole fruits and vegetables and consume fiber through foods such as whole grains.
Fasting limits or eliminates the introduction of food to the body, freeing the body to expend fat reserves for energy. When it isn't busy breaking down nutrients from food, the body goes to work cleaning itself from toxins and impurities stored in the liver, kidneys, colon and fat deposits. There are three basic types of fasting for detoxification. The first is a total fast, in which you completely abstain from all food and drink except water. Monofood fasting is a type of fast in which only one type of natural food is consumed in addition to water. Only one food is being introduced to the body, so your digestive system isn't working as hard as with a full diet. Juice fasting requires that you consume only water or juices extracted from raw fruits or vegetables. The nutrients of the fruits and vegetables are readily available; the body doesn't expend excess energy extracting them from the pulp and fiber.