How do I Cleanse Using Fasting Liquid?
Things You'll Need
- Raw fruits and vegetables
- Soups
- Broths
- Herbal teas
- Sea salt
- Clean water
- Cleansing ingredients
Choose between safe, available cleansing methods. Web MD lists laxatives, strong herbal teas, enzymes, powders or antiparasite capsules. Also note the Master Cleanse method, which involves a concoction of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup.
Buy the products you have chosen to cleanse with. Buy enough to last you three to five days so that you do not have to go shopping every day.
Start with a commitment for three to five days, although some cleansing products and methods may suggest a seven- to 10-day minimum. Get your body acclimated to the experience of living on minimal or no solid food slowly.
Eat smaller meals five days before the first day of the cleanse.
Eat only raw food and soups three days before the cleanse.
Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juice the day before the cleanse. Now your body is used to consuming less food. You should be able to enter the cleanse with balance and dedication.
Consume the cleansing product as prescribed throughout the day. For example, on the Master Cleanse you are allowed to drink between six to 12 glasses of the lemonade concoction in a 24-hour period.
Follow special guidelines, such as avoiding certain foods, avoiding solid food all together, taking a salt-water bath once a day or drinking herbal laxative tea.
Monitor your mood, fatigue levels, bowel movements and general health. Stop the cleanse if you are vomiting, experience high fevers or other serious symptoms. You will have more frequent bowel movements while cleansing, so do not mistake this as a serious side effect.
Ease out of the cleanse on the last day. Do not begin to consume solid food immediately, as this will upset your stomach. Prepare your stomach enzymes to digest food again by drinking a fruit juice with pulp, such as orange juice. Drink juice for one full day after the cleanse.
Eat raw food on days two and three after the cleanse.
Drink broths on day four after the cleanse.
Resume eating solid food slowly and in small portions. Retain the healthy habit of eating small, fiber-rich, nutrient diverse meals to benefit from the master cleanse long-term.