Dangers of the Ion Foot Bath
The Placebo Effect
Ion foot baths can cause a warm sensation on the feet, which can create pleasure for the client. This sensation can unfortunately cause patients to misinterpret this sensation as evidence that the foot bath is working. This creates a placebo effect that can cause patients to believe that they are recovering from their ailment when they are actually not recovering at all.
Scientific Research
Scientific tests have found that urea and creatinine have never been found within the water of the ion foot bath, proving that ion foot baths do not have a detoxifying effect on the human body. The ion foot bath has no more benefits to consumers than that of a regular foot bath.
Medical treatments can be very expensive and time-consuming. Products that cost consumers money and have no real benefit can make it more difficult for consumers to afford real medical treatment and can also delay treatment during stages when early treatment can cure a disease.
The water corrodes the iron electrons in the ion foot bath, causing the water to turn colors such as brown or yellow. These colors are used to diagnose the patient with a variety of medical ailments, but the color of the water is really only determined by the amount of salt in the water. The ion foot bath will change colors even when there are no feet in the bath. These false claims can lead to patients pursuing treatments that are not needed and can also discourage the victims from getting a real medical examination from a doctor, causing the true underlying medical problems to go undiagnosed. With undiagnosed and untreated conditions, the individual's health or even life can be put in jeopardy.
Products like the ion foot bath perpetuate incorrect medical and scientific information, which causes a general misunderstanding of how science and the human body works. This can lead to a variety of social consequences such as individuals not receiving treatment necessary for the curing of diseases and instead wasting time and money with products that are not scientifically based.
Scam products have an overall detrimental effect on the economy. Entrepreneurs that could be spending time developing and marketing products that are actually helpful to the consumer and creating product markets that are actually sustainable. Sham products are usually identified as shams after failing scientifically sound testing.