Heavy Metals and Restless Leg Syndrome
About Restless Legs Syndrome
According to The Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, approximately 10 percent of the adult American population suffers from some degree of the condition. Symptoms, which consist of uncomfortable sensations in the legs, increase when the individual is sitting down or lying down and are relieved when the individual is standing or moving. In moderate to severe cases, the sensations are so disruptive they lead to insomnia and chronic exhaustion. There is no cure for RLS.
Suspected Causes of RLS
One specific cause of RLS has yet to be determined; however, there are a variety of potential factors that are considered by the medical community to contribute to the development of the condition. Genetics appear to play a role in who experiences RLS, as approximately 50 percent of individuals suffering from the condition have a parent who also suffers from it. Pregnancy, iron deficiency, and chronic illnesses are considered potential causes as well. Heavy metal poisoning has become a central focus of study for the cause of RLS over the past 10 years.
Cadmium Poisoning
Cadmium is a highly toxic metal that is used in a variety of daily household items, including older plumbing pipes, nickel batteries, and some children's toys. The most common form of cadmium that humans are exposed to comes from cigarettes. The World Health Organization suggests that the average smoker can inhale between 1 and 3 micrograms of cadmium daily. When humans are exposed to cadmium, it can cause severe muscle cramps, especially in the calves, which leads many to suspect it as a cause of RLS.
Thallium Poisoning
Thallium is another highly toxic heavy metal that is found in a variety of common items, such as pest poisoning. In the past, thallium was used as a medication to treat ringworm, infections, and even coronary artery disease. However, within the past 20 years its use in medicine has severely declined due to how dangerous it is to humans. Thallium poisoning can cause swelling and severe pain in the legs as well as insomnia.
Many patients who undergo treatment to reduce the amount of cadmium and thallium in their bodies notice a decrease in their RLS symptoms. There are several alternative medicine and holistic treatments available that claim to reduce heavy metals in the body, including special teas and dietary cleanses. While many of these strategies can't be confirmed by traditional medicine, it is widely accepted by all schools of thought that drinking large amounts of water can help the body's natural detoxification process.