How to Make Fruit Enzymes
Things You'll Need
- 20 apples
- 6 lemons
- 6 cups sugar
- Glass jar with lid
- Large colander
Purchase 20 green apples and 6 lemons. Wash and let dry thoroughly.
Wash a cutting knife, cutting board and a large glass jar that has a tight-fitting lid with soap and water. Rinse well and dry thoroughly. You want everything to be very clean and very dry to prevent any bacterial contamination.
Peel the skin off all of the apples and lemons with a small knife. Cut the apples into slices that are 2 to 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. Cut the lemons into slices that are also approximately 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. The seeds can remain in both the apples and the lemons.
Place one layer of apples into the bottom of the jar and then cover with 1 cup sugar.
Place a layer of lemon slices over the sugar and then cover with 1 cup sugar. Repeat alternating apples, sugar and lemons until you have filled the jar. You will end up using approximately 6 cups of sugar.
Close the jar tightly and place in a cool, dark place. By the second day, you will see bubbles in the jar.
Rock the jar daily to cover the fruit on top with juice from the bottom. Rock it back and forth in a side-to-side motion until the juice completely covers all of the fruit, including the fruit on the top. Return the jar to its original position. It is fine if the juice does not remain on top of the fruit on top.
Twist open the lid on the jar and leave the jar completely open until the bubbles disappear. When there are no more bubbles, replace the lid on top of the jar and twist until it is shut tightly.
Repeat this process every three days for two to three weeks. After two to three weeks, pour the contents of the jar over a large colander and discard the liquid. The rest can be used in drinks or to make jam. If you keep the mixture for longer than two weeks, place it in the refrigerator.