Natural Way to Get Rid of Nightmares
Nightmares can be disruptive to sleep and affect your daily life. There are a number of causes for nightmares, including stress and poor eating habits. While there is no medically proven way to get rid of nightmares, you may be able to get rid of recurring nightmares naturally, by changing your eating habits and learning to cope with those things that cause you stress.Instructions
Experiment with your diet. Pay attention to whether there's a correlation between any new foods you started eating around the time your nightmares began or whether you're simply eating something that disagrees with you. Determine what these foods are and try cutting them out of your diet. This may stop the nightmares altogether, saving you the trouble of trying another method.
Change your sleeping and eating habits. Go to bed a little earlier or later. Disrupting your sleeping pattern can disrupt a recurring dream pattern. Don't eat large quantities of food before you go to bed. When you do, your brain is working hard because your body is trying to digest the food. This can cause you to dream more. This isn't a problem with nice dreams, but nightmares are another story.
Talk about your nightmares. Get them out in the open. Discuss them with a friend or loved one and try to understand the source of the nightmare. This may not always work, but getting it out in the open is a good way of getting it out of your mind.
Talk yourself through it before you go to sleep. Tell yourself the recurring nightmare is just a dream that isn't pleasant. Think of something you'd rather dream about. While this is no guarantee you will have a more pleasant dream, the power of the mind can do wonderful things. It's possible to talk yourself logically through a nightmare before it happens and to plant something good in your mind.