Homemade Remedies for Wasps & Hornets
Stinger Removal
Before applying any home remedy, removing the stinger is always the No. 1 priority. The sting will be much more painful with the stinger still on the skin. The stinger contains venom that can increase the burning sensation and inflammation as well as threaten a person who is allergic to a wasp sting. To remove the stinger, scrape it off using a knife. If a knife is not available, a credit card or anything with a thin edge will do. Lift and scrape the stinger away. It is not recommended to pull the stinger out with a pair of tweezers or fingers because this may only result in more venom shooting into the person.
The most basic home remedy for a wasp or hornet sting is an ice pack. Get several ice cubes from the freezer and place them in a clean plastic bag. Apply the ice pack to the affected area for about three to five minutes. This will reduce inflammation and numb the nerves in the area, resulting in less pain. If ice is not available, apply anything cold, such as bottled water or a bag of frozen vegetables.
Meat Tenderizer
Meat tenderizer is an effective home remedy for a wasp sting. Mix a couple of drops of the tenderizer into a small bowl of water. Blend the mixture until a paste is created. Add more tenderizer to achieve the right consistency. Apply the paste to the skin immediately after the stinger is removed. The meat tenderizer contains toxin-eliminating enzymes that can counteract the venom.
Baking Soda
Creating a paste consisting of water and baking soda is another home remedy that can significantly relieve the pain of a wasp sting. Smear it on the sting after the stinger has been removed and allow it to set for several minutes. Any burning or itching sensation will die down in a matter of minutes.
Essential Oils
Concocting a mixture of essential oils with antibacterial effects is another home remedy to consider. Create the concoction consisting of four drops thyme and a couple of drops each of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils. Apply the mixture on the affected area as a wash. This will disinfect the area and relieve some of the sensation. An alternative to this concoction is to apply a single drop of lavender essential oil directly on the sting. Be careful, though, as lavender oil, when applied a lot can cause skin irritation.