Home Remedy to Move Bowels in the Morning
Drinking prune juice upon waking has long been touted as a solution. The fruit itself is considered more effective, and a handful of prunes stewed in water with a few drops of lemon juice seldom fails to work. Stewed figs get equally high marks. For some, a big glass of freshly squeezed orange juice does the trick, while for others a breakfast of fruits or a fruit shake is a winning formula. Berry juices are also a favorite, and mulberry, boysenberry, cherry, black berry, blueberry and elderberry are all reported to have evacuation properties.
Liquids other than fruit juice are widely recommended. Red bush tea from South Africa has medicinal properties and, taken with a spoonful of molasses first thing in the morning, is a traditional remedy used for generations by farm dwellers. The tea can also be taken flavored with honey and a few slices of lemon, which is a lighter option and easier to swallow. Copious drafts of water are considered a sure-fire way to get going, while many swear by a cup of warm water taken in small sips. A glass of warm water containing fennel seeds before bed is believed to be effective in the morning.
Adding fiber to your diet is reported to help constipation. A breakfast filled with fiber may include oatmeal, fruit and whole grain toast. Eat apples with the skin on, and include the seeds when you eat guavas, figs or grapes. Increase your fiber intake by eating more vegetables raw, like carrots, cabbage and greens.
Exercise has unique benefits when it comes to getting your metabolism going in the morning after a night's rest. Start moving around at home. Aerobics or jogging are recommended as ideal exercises to help constipation. Swimming is a low impact exercise that boosts your heart rate and gets your body functioning, and leg lifts and stomach crunches are considered good ways to manipulate the stomach muscles. If you are unable to do strenuous exercise, a gentle walk is a good idea. Yoga with its relaxation properties helps you to unwind and relieve the stress associated with chronic constipation.
Trying Home Remedies
Try the remedies, taking into account your physical condition. Chronic sufferers should avoid taking liquids, fiber or even raw vegetables in large quantities without first testing your reaction, or you could find it causes you discomfort. Getting your bowels moving in the morning is critical to your well being, but it should be managed carefully.