Do Kombucha Capsules Work?
Kombucha as a natural substance has had a torrid past: viewed first as a cure-all, then a deadly poison, and now as something in between. In the 1990s, serious illnesses were tied to kombucha buy the Centers for Disease Control but since it has returned into the mainstream. It began its history in China as a supposed tool for ever-lasting life.
Kombucha is reported to be a benefit to digestion, cancer prevention, immunity booster and a host of other unsubstantiated possibilities. Like most dietary supplements and natural capsules, kombucha has not been assessed or defined by the Food and Drug Administration, therefore its exact medical and or health benefits are undocumented.
For now, kombucha is among the latest fads in a long line of natural supplements purported to be the answer to what ails you. It has started to appear in drinks, gourmet markets like Whole Foods and on the menus of trendy restaurants, but it's actual benefits or harms is still undetermined.