Tips on Getting Rid of Shaving Bumps
Warm Washcloth
Take a warm, wet washcloth and lay it over the affected area. This will open the hair follicles more and allow the bumps to heal. People with coarse hair and small follicles are more susceptible to getting razor bumps because there is less space for the hair follicles to heal.
Aspirin Paste
For the burning sensation caused by razor bumps, you can use an aspirin paste. Dissolve two non-coated aspirin in a teaspoon of warm water. Mix this into a paste and apply it to the affected area. Let this sit on your skin for at least five minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This will pull the burning sensation from the skin.
Strawberry Mask
Make a mask of strawberries and sour cream to get rid of razor bumps. Take a couple of strawberries and mash them up. Mix in sour cream until you form a paste. Apply the mixture to the affected area and leave it on for approximately 10 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. This method can be used until the bumps are gone and can be repeated twice a week to prevent razor bumps.
Stop Shaving
If you have razor bumps, stop shaving. Do not shave while you have razor bumps, as this will only make the affected area worse. Use Aloe Vera gel, witch hazel or mild salicylic acids to relieve and remove razor bumps. These products will soothe the affected area and help get rid of the bumps.
Use moisturizing lotions with rosehip seed oil and calendula in them to help get rid of razor bumps. These lotions will soothe the skin and keep the hairs soft. Soft hairs will eventually come out instead of growing back into the skin. These lotions are found online and at many retail stores.
If symptoms persist and the bumps do not look like they are going away or getting better, seek medical attention immediately. Doctors will prescribe prescription medications or recommend an over-the-counter product to get rid of the razor bumps.