What Is Yellow Root?
According to Drug Information Online, yellow root has been used as folk medicine by people living in the southern United States. It was used to treat diabetes and hypertension, as well as for sore throats and mouth infections. Despite it's long-standing reputation as a treatment for these conditions, there is no clinical evidence that backs these claims.
Yellow root can be found in wooded areas that range from southwestern New York down to Kentuky and Florida. It is least common along the coastal areas and more common toward mountainous regions. According to Duke University, it is almost always found near streambeds.
Yellow root is shrub-shaped plant that grows to between one and two feet in height. It has compound leaves that consist of five thin leaflets. These leaflets are between one and three inches long, with jagged, toothed edges. It produces small, purplish-brown flowers in the spring that may appear singly or in clusters. The bark and the long roots are colored a bright yellow.
Yellow root has also traditionally been used as a dye plant. The roots and stem were used to create yellow dye.
Yellow root contains berberine, which can stimulate uterine activity. Because of this, it should not be ingested during pregnancy. It can also prevent coagulation and stimulate the heart in an adverse fashion.
According to Drug Information Online, plants that contain berberine can effectively treat diarrhea. As yellow root is high in berberine, this plant has the potential to be used in diarrhea medication. Plants containing berberine have been used to treat diarrhea in India and China for thousands of years.