What Is the Origin of Worry Stones?
A worry stone is a smooth, polished gemstone with a thumb-shaped indentation on one side or in the center. They come in a wide variety of minerals and colors, including jasper, amethyst, quartz, rose quartz, onyx, and moonstone.
Worry stones originated in ancient Greece and rubbing them between one's thumb and index finger has been believed throughout the ages to relieve tension and worry.
Modern Time Frame
Worry stones became especially popular in the United States during the 1970s. It was believed that worry stones made from different minerals had unique healing qualities.
A worry stone may vary slightly in shape and size, but it measures 1 ½ inches by 1 ¼ inches and is ovular in shape. The size and shape of these stones has not varied much over time.
The use of stones to relieve tension and worry is believed to have been started by Greek monks on Mount Athos not for prayer but for use in relaxation techniques. Similar beads and stones have been used is Islam (known as tespih) and Buddhism (called malas).