Natrum Muriaticum Side Effects
How It Works
Natrum Muriaticum works by increasing red blood-cell production, as well as the production of a protein known as albumin. According to, it assists in restoring and altering body tissues so that they are able to absorb adequate amounts of salt from food. By increasing the overall health of the body, a person's risk of developing fevers, colds and other ailments is reduced.
General Use
Natrum muriaticum has several general uses. According to Organized Wisdom, these include alleviating emotional stress, skin problems, digestive problems and ulcers. According to, other uses include alleviating gas, heartburn, stomach pain, excessive hunger, liver pain, excessive thirst, empty stomach feelings, excessive urination, salty-food cravings, green diarrhea, indigestion, watery diarrhea, menstrual irregularities, headaches, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, nausea, depression, weakness, heart palpitations, back pain, dry mouth, cough, fever and sore throat.
According to, homeopathic natrum muriaticum is made by dissolving sodium chloride in boiling water. Through evaporation, it is filtered and crystallized, resulting in the final preparation. In hospitals, it will be given in a saline drip through an IV.
Side Effects
According to, the less common natrum muriaticum side effects include fever and excessive blood loss. The rare side effects include anxiety, feeling of heat, burning lower abdomen pain, dizziness, severe chest pain, coughing, chills, seizures, confusion, shortness of breath, warm tongue and lips, ringing in the ears, headache (dull or severe), lower back pain, nervousness, pelvic pain, fingertip numbness, stomach pain, weakness, sweating, vision problems, sudden thirst, unconsciousness and salty taste.
Certain natrum muriaticum side effects will only occur after having a medical procedure done. According to, these include abdominal cramping, injection-site redness (if injected), foul-smelling vaginal discharge, passing of uterine tissue pieces, injection-site bleeding (if injected), lower abdominal pain, chills, increased uterine bleeding, fever and shivering.
Certain medical conditions may become worse with natrum muriaticum. According to, these include bleeding problems, heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, blood vessel disease, kidney disease, previous surgery and fibroid tumors.