Folk Remedies for Worms
Garlic has powerful antibiotic properties and is also considered toxic to pinworms. Mash up several peeled garlic cloves to make a paste. Mix with about 1 tsp. of petroleum jelly and apply externally to the anal area before bedtime. While the petroleum jelly suffocates the eggs from the pinworms as they exit the body, the toxicity of the garlic will kill them. The petroleum jelly also has the added bonus of easing external itching.
Shredded coconut along with castor oil can help to kill pinworms. Shred or shave enough coconut to make 1 tbsp. Take 1 tbsp. in the morning. Three hours later, take 1 tbsp. of castor oil. Repeat once a day until symptoms subside. The castor oil works as a laxative to expel the worms from the body, while the coconut kills the worms and eggs.
Pickled ginger is an effective tool in eliminating worms from the body. Paul Schulick, author of "Ginger: Common Spice and Wonder Drug," says that the root commonly served with sushi is very effective against some of most dangerous parasites in the world. Look for pickled ginger in oriental grocery stores.
Pumpkin seeds along with pumpkin extracts can help in the expulsion of worms and intestinal parasites. Simply chew about one ounce of dried pumpkin seed daily to rid your body of worms.
While some folk remedies may help to alleviate or eliminate worms in your digestive tract, it is important to consult your physician if you continue to be bothered with this problem. Likewise, it is critical to wash all bedding, towels and clothing that have come in contact with the infected individual. Wash in very hot water to kill the worm eggs.