Is Wild Yam Safe?
Wild yam is used to treat a variety of ailments and can be bought in liquid, capsule or tablet form. Because it is an herbal supplement it has not been FDA rated. When taking, follow label instructions and pay attention to any warnings because herbs can sometimes interfere with prescription medicines.-
Wild yam vines can grow at least 15 feet, and they have heart-shaped leaves with a strong vein pattern. Tubers, which are light brown on the outside with white insides, grow along the roots.
Historical Medicinal Uses
Wild yam was used as a colic treatment by the early Americans. Today, wild yam continues to be used for treating menstrual cramps, nausea and morning sickness associated with pregnancy, inflammation, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms, and other health conditions; however, there is no scientific evidence that the supplement works.
Food Uses
Wild yam tubers are safely edible, and because they are considered bland, they are often prepared with seasoning, as a side dish.
Fun Fact
Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa ) grows on a trailing, climbing vine and should not be confused with the sweet potato, which is not truly a yam at all.
Before taking wild yam as a supplement consult with a physician; yam could react with some medicines, specifically birth control pills or hormone replacements.