Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Folk wisdom attributes apple cider vinegar with a host of practical and medicinal uses. While some uses are not substantiated by clinical studies, apple cider vinegar advocates maintain confidence in the humble vinegar's positive properties. Apple cider vinegar's many purported beneficial uses include pet health, cleaning uses, and treatment for athlete's foot and bloody noses. Do not use apple cider vinegar to treat medical conditions; consult a family doctor.
  1. Pet Care

    • Consider using apple cider vinegar to treat your cat or dog for some common issues. According to the website Apple Cider Benefits, pet owners can use apple cider vinegar as a vitamin supplement for their furry friends, as an ear care solution, and to ward off fleas and ticks.


    • Apply apple cider vinegar in full-strength to linoleum to clean without damaging the linoleum. According to Jonathan Hatch on the website, How to Clean Things, apple cider vinegar is a smart, non-toxic choice for linoleum. Be prepared to scrub hard if your floors are particularly dirty. Other than a little effort, cleaning linoleum with apple cider vinegar works well and serves as a disinfectant.

      Apple Cider Benefits suggests using apple cider vinegar to sanitize and clean. Wipe cutting boards and countertops with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria.

    Home Remedies

    • Apple cider vinegar may ease athlete's foot and may slow nose bleeds. The website Apple Cider Benefits recommends a 50/50 apple cider vinegar and water solution for an athlete's foot soak. You may also apply apple cider vinegar directly to the affected area. The site also suggests soaking a cotton ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar to stop a bleeding nose. Applied to the open nostril, apple cider vinegar may help stop nose bleeds quicker than using nothing.

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