Home Remedy With Filipino Garlic & Honey
Filipino Remedy With Garlic and Honey
According to Mark Andrews on touregypt.net, ancient Egyptians treasured honey so highly that they would place honey in the tombs of the pharaohs. Because honey never spoils, it was valued and thought to contain miracle properties that cured all. Like the Egyptians, many Filipinos find honey to be a cure for many of life's ailments.
Of course, honey does not save anyone from death; instead, honey is used as remedy for ailments without taking processed drugs for the common ills. In fact, when mixed with garlic, honey can be a powerful home remedy, and Filipinos have found this mixture cures many things
As we know, garlic does not only make dishes delectable, but it even has medicinal properties that help the body recover from wounds, and has antibacterial properties. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural, but powerful antibiotic that works when the moisture from bacteria, which is essential for their survival, is drawn out, and is also antibacterial and antifungal. Filipinos often blend the two together to help relieve sore throats and irritating coughs.
In the Philippines, a well-known home remedy for coughs is not only effective but also very simple to make. To make it, prepare one cup of honey and one full head of garlic. Mince the garlic as finely as possible -- you can also use a grater to grate the garlic. In a pan, heat the honey on medium heat until it loosens. Once the honey has thinned you can put in the garlic. Stir the mixture for about 30 minutes and let it cool. You now have a homemade cough syrup that you can use to relieve your throat. If you are not able to use it all at once, pour it in a jar and cap it tightly.
A similar remedy for cough syrup is made using raw garlic and honey. Take a medium size jar and fill it with minced garlic. Then, pour honey until it covers all of the garlic. Seal the cap tightly and let it stand for several days so that the flavor of both garlic and honey will infuse. Take a tablespoon full so that it coats your throat and reduces that pain in your throat. Once you start using your homemade remedy, remember to refrigerate it and cap it tight to prolong the effectiveness of the syrup. Also, this remedy is not for babies as they cannot yet digest honey.
Separately honey and garlic play a big role in Filipino homes and remedies. Garlic is used to lower blood pressure and cure lung ailments, like asthma. On filipinovegetarianrecipe.com, they state that garlic can be used to boost the immune system. Honey's antibacterial properties can be used to cure bad breath, according to FilipinoDentist.com. There are several ways in which garlic and honey are used in the Philippines to cure minor ailments.