Properties of Camomile Tea
The two most commonly consumed types of camomile are German and Roman varieties. The German type is thought to be slightly more potent.
The camomile plant resembles a daisy. The flower has a yellow center with white petals.
Camomile tea is used to treat insomnia, promote relaxation, ease upset stomach, reduce inflammation and promote wound healing.
Research is being conducted on the effect of camomile for regulating blood sugar and increasing white blood cell counts.
Camomile is composed of volatile oils like bisabolol that produce antispasmastic properties, bitter glycosides like anthemidein that promote digestive health, polysaccharides for immune health, azulenes that act as an antihistamine as well as amino acids and tannins.
Fun Fact
Egyptian hieroglyphs depict women using camomile for cosmetic purposes.