Old Folk Remedies for a Noisy Stomach
Eating crackers like Saltines can help settle a noisy stomach, especially when you are hungry. The crackers and the base alkalinity of the salt on the crackers help to settle the stomach acid, and will keep it quiet for a while, until you can eat a full meal. If your stomach is making noise regardless of whether you have eaten or not, foods like crackers with a regulated amount of salt content, but no oil--like pretzels--will help alleviate stomach noises.
Carbonated Beverages
Drinking carbonated beverages, like club soda or ginger ale, is an excellent way to quiet a noisy stomach. When Coca-Cola was first invented, it actually used to be prescribed medically for upset stomachs. It still works today, but beware of its outrageously high sugar content.
The warmer carbonated beverages are, the better for your stomach. This noisy stomach remedy helps with the gas component. The carbonation bubbles in the beverage help you to expel gas in the stomach or intestines by burping or passing gas.
Turkey and Cheese
Both turkey and cheese are high in protein. Eating them is considered helpful in alleviating the rumblings of an upset stomach. These foods will help to settle your digestive juices, as the protein content is high in alkalinity and will stabilize the acid the stomach is producing. Combining turkey or cheese with crackers may be an ideal homeopathic combination for leveling off your stomach's chattering.