Bosnian Way to Remove Ear Wax
Hydrogen peroxide
A 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide is an old remedy used in Bosnia for excessive earwax removal. Tilt your head to the side and apply three to four drops of hydrogen peroxide directly into your ear with an eye dropper. You'll hear fizzing as the earwax dissolves.
The dissolved earwax will need to be removed by gently squirting water into the ear with a bulb syringe. Tilt your head to the side so the water runs back out, and then place two drops of rubbing alcohol into the ear to dry it out. Tilt your head after rubbing alcohol has been applied to allow excess to run out. Afterward, clean your outer ear with a clean washcloth.
Olive oil
Bosnia is located right across from Italy, and olive oil is popular in both cooking and home remedies. Bosnian mothers often use warmed olive oil for children suffering from ear infections. Warmed olive oil can also be used for earwax, as it helps soften and liquify earwax.
Warm a metal teaspoon over a stove so it is warm to the touch, but not burning hot. Place one or two drops of olive oil into the spoon, and then tilt your head back so the olive oil can be dripped into your ear. You can massage the outside of your ear for five minutes to work the olive oil into your ear canal. Tilt your head to the side and allow earwax and excess oil to run out. Use a soft washcloth to clean out the earwax that comes to the outside of your ear.
Baking soda
Baking soda is an amazing household product that is available all over the world, even in Bosnia. Baking soda can be used as an earwax-removal home remedy. Place a teaspoon of baking soda into three quarters of a cup of very warm water and use a bulb syringe to apply three drops of the solution into your ear. After five minutes, flush your ear out with warm water and a syringe to get the earwax debris out of the ear.