Medicinal Uses of Vinegar
Stomach Ailments
Drinking an 8 oz. glass of water with 1 tbsp. of vinegar in it will stop diarrhea in it's tracks. Drinking this same concoction with an extra tablespoon of vinegar with meals will help stop excessive belching.
Breathing Ailments
Cider vinegar steam will relieve a stuffed nose. Just boil cider vinegar in water and lean over the steam with a towel over your head. Take several deep breaths after the steam cools a little. Sip an 8 oz. glass of water with 1 tbsp. cider vinegar before bed to help late night asthma attacks.
Skin Ailments
To prevent sunburn mix equal parts of olive oil and cider vinegar and apply to areas that will be in direct sunlight.
Foot Ailments
Soak tired and sore feet in a tub of warm water mixed with a cup of vinegar. For athlete's foot wash socks in vinegar and wear them until the rash goes away.
Fun Fact
Apple cider vinegar is the best vinegar to use for medicinal purposes, as it contains potassium and other tissue salts like sodium, calcium and magnesium.