Natural Treatments for Uterine Fibroids
Reishi mushrooms have been used to relieve fatigue, weakness and hepatitis B, and they are a strong combatant of uterine fibroids. It is thought that reishis limit histamine and the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), which can stop fibroids from growing altogether. Reishi can be taken as a tea, tincture or a tablet.
Garlic, and its active ingredient allicin, may be able to relieve bacterial infections, tumor growth and uterine fibroids. Take a 5,000 mcg dose of allicin or eat one clove of garlic each day to further treat your fibroids.
Wild yam may have progesterone-like abilities, which will help to reduce the instances of estrogen-stimulated fibroids. Take a bath with an herbal decoction of wild yam to attempt to relieve fibroid symptoms.
Balance the Cycle
One of the biggest potential symptoms of fibroids is extremely heavy menstruation, and there are a few natural remedies that can re-balance your cycle. A combination of Vitamin E and the herb dan shen can begin to properly balance the estrogen levels in your body along with a treatment of your irregular menstrual cycle. Dan shen can improve the efficiency of Vitamin E, which can lessen some of the estrogen raising properties of dan shen. Take 400 international units of Vitamin E per day and use dan shen as directed by your doctor.
Lady's mantle is an herb used for heavy menstrual bleeding and regulating hormones. Take it as an herbal infusion (an 8 oz. tea) three times a day during your heavy bleeding episodes.
General relaxation practices like meditation, yoga and tai chi can also balance your hormones to give you a more balanced cycle.
Restore Blood Health
Heavy menstrual bleeding that results from fibroids may require you to replenish the nutrients that you lost. Blood health vitamins like Vitamin A, B complex vitamins, Vitamin C and iron can help you prevent anemia while building up healthy blood vessels and replacing deficient vitamins in heavy blood loss. Take 25,000 international units of Vitamin A, 100 mg of the B complex, 1,000 mg of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids and 50 mg of iron. Only a properly functioning liver can process excess estrogen, and as such, supplementation with the compound choline and the amino acid methionine can improve liver function. Take them as directed by your doctor. Lastly, make sure to exercise regularly to restore blood circulation and to improve overall health.