Spices That Detox Your Liver
The liver is under almost constant stress in the modern world. Chemicals, alcohol, pollution and even fatty foods can all cause stress to the liver and in extreme cases even lead to fatty liver buildup and liver damage. Spices that detox the liver contain powerful compounds that heal liver damage, reduce oxidative stress and protect the liver from toxic substances.
Turmeric is a bright yellow herb that is one of the primary spices of Indian cuisine and is present in almost all curries. In a study published in the journal Cancer Letters in September 1992, researchers gave turmeric to ducklings with liver damage caused by toxins. They found that turmeric and the antioxidant curcumin--isolated from turmeric--were able to reverse both fatty liver conditions and necrosis (dead liver cells).
Almost everyone is familiar with the pungent smell of garlic and news about garlic's healthy benefits to the heart and immune system are widely publicized. But did you know that garlic is also good for the liver? In a study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology in June 2001, researchers gave garlic oil to rats three times a week for six weeks. The researchers found that garlic oil was able to modulate the antioxidant levels in the rats liver, increasing its antioxidant activity.
The spicy smell of cloves is often used in spiced drinks like mulled apple cider and is a warm reminder of the holiday season. Cloves have also been shown to protect the liver from the adverse effects of alcohol. In a study published in the Tanta Medical Sciences Journal in January 2007, researchers gave clove extract to mice that were also given enough ethanol to cause toxicity. They found that the clove extract profoundly protected the liver from alcohol-induced damage and elevated antioxidant levels.
Much of the liver protecting power of the above herbs is due to their high level of antioxidant properties. Since many common kitchen herbs are antioxidant rich, there may be many other common spices in your kitchen that can help protect and detox your liver.
Serious liver problems should be treated by a physician, rather than relying on home remedies.