Vinegar Miracle Cures
Acne and Pimples
Many people of all ages suffer from acne. This can be a mild condition to a severe one and depending on how severe the problem is, it can be extremely embarrassing for the individual. Teens and adolescents are often worried about facial acne, but it can be a real problem for adults, too. Effective treatments can be very expensive and time-consuming. Many people don't realize that distilled vinegar can be just as effective for treating acne and preventing it. Apple cider vinegar will also work effectively. Some people keep a vial of vinegar in their bathroom and dab a little on the affected areas two-to-three times a day. The vinegar improves the circulation in the face, which is why it effectively reduces blemishes. Please note that using vinegar on your skin every day will eventually dry out your skin, so be sure to apply moisturizer as well.
Urinary-Tract Infections
Both apple cider vinegar and distilled white vinegar work as an effective treatment for urinary-tract infections (UTI's). There are two ways you can cure an infection with vinegar. The first method is to drink vinegar water throughout the day. You should be drinking six-to-eight glasses of water anyway in order to keep yourself well-hydrated and to cleanse your inner system. Putting a lot of fluids through your system will help ensure that you clean yourself out. You can make vinegar water by adding one-to-two teaspoons of vinegar to 16 ounces of water.
The other method for getting rid of a urinary tract infection (or yeast infection) is to fill a tub full of warm water. Add three cups of distilled vinegar and one cup of salt to the bathtub as it is filling up with water. Sit in the tub of vinegar water for 10-to-15 minutes. This will help clean the infected areas on the outside.
Wart Removal
For warts that are on the hands or feet, the affected extremity can be soaked in water, which has had apple cider vinegar added to it up to three times a day. Add one-to-two cups of apple cider vinegar to warm water, and soak your hand or foot in the mixture for 10-to-15 minutes. Do this two-to-three times a day for two weeks, total. This is a very effective way to get rid of warts. I find it most effective in getting rid of plantar warts.