Folk Remedies for Gallstones
Olive Oil Folk Remedies
Flush the gallstones from your system with an olive oil fast. Stop eating solid foods at noon; you may drink clear liquids until 6 p.m. Drink 1/4 cup of pure olive oil, followed by 1/4 cup of lemon juice, beginning at 7 o'clock in the evening. Do not combine them; drink them separately. Lie on your right side for 20 minutes, then repeat the process. Continue until you have consumed 16 oz. of olive oil. The next day, the gallstones should pass out of your system.
Fast for two days, drinking only pure, organic apple juice. On the evening of the second day, drink 1/3 cup of olive oil, followed by 1/3 cup of lemon juice. The gallstones should be eliminated the next day.
Chanca Piedra
Brew a tea by bringing 8 oz. of water to a boil and pouring it over 2 tsp. of chanca piedra leaves and stems. Cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Drink the tea one to three times a day for several days. Consume it weekly to prevent future gallbladder attacks. Chanca piedra is a plant from the Amazon and other rainforest areas. It has been used as a folk remedy for gallstones, kidney stones and other aliments for many years. Some of the other names it is known by are quebra pedra, stone-breaker and amli. All parts of the plant are medicinal, not just the leaves. Take it in capsule form if desired, instead of drinking the tea.
Place 1 tsp. of dried stinging nettle in a cup and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and then drink. Drink one to two cups a day. Peppermint tea is also good for treating gallstones. Use dried peppermint leaves and brew it the same way. Fresh dandelion leaves can be eaten raw, steamed or made into a tea as a folk remedy for gallstones. Rosemary is often used because it is said to help relax the spasms associated with gallstones. It can be eaten fresh in a salad, or a tea can be brewed from it.