Traditional Folk Remedies
For arthritis treatment, blend 2 tsps. lemon juice and 1 tsp. of honey in a cup of warm water. Have this concoction at least a couple of times each day.
Or, bake, smash and fry an eggplant with a couple tablespoons of castor oil and season with turmeric, coriander, garlic and salt. Eat this at least once daily for two months for effective arthritis treatment.
Another option is to mix 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder in a cup of tepid water and drink it two times daily, or consume 1 clove of fresh raw garlic once daily for respite from arthritis aches.
Blood Pressure
Blend honey and onion juice in equal parts and take 2 tsps. of the concoction daily for at least a month for relief of high blood pressure. Adding ripe papaya to breakfast, along with the onion-honey remedy, can effectively treat blood pressure problems. According to Indian folk medicine practices, carrot juice, Indian gooseberry and coconut water can help lower blood pressure.
Common Cold
According to traditional folk cures, crush seven corns of black pepper, mix the powder with 1 Tbsp. honey and eat it before breakfast. Follow this by swallowing whole a fresh clove of raw garlic with water. Alternatively, prepare a tea with a couple of cups of boiling water and 1 Tbsp. each of ginger, honey and fennel seeds. Allow half of the water to evaporate during boiling. Drink this throughout the day.
Honey helps stimulate accumulated body fat to be broken down for energy release. Mix 1 Tbsp. honey with tepid water and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice daily and drink it prior to breakfast to flush the body of unwanted fat. Both raw and cooked cabbage curb the rate of transformation of sugars and carbohydrates into fat. Reduce your weight by consuming plenty of cabbage in soups and salads.
Low Libido
A traditional folk remedy for treating low sexual urges is to fry wheat, black gram, rice and long pepper in equal portions and make a powder mixture. Prepare a soup of this powder with sugar and milk and eat after dinner every night.
Or, soak 1 Tbsp. triphala powder (available in Indian specialty stores) in 1 cup water and let it sit undisturbed for half an hour. Later, blend it with 1 Tbsp. honey and drink every morning before breakfast. Another remedy for curing low libido is to have a mixture of a glass of milk and 1 tsp. of honey.