Flax Seed Bad Side Effects
As a result of its high fiber content, when flax seed is consumed in large amounts, it may cause loose stools or diarrhea. This can occur when more than two tablespoons of flax seed are ingested.
Taking flax seed may result in increased production of stomach gases, which would cause bloating and a feeling of being full.
Allergic Reaction
A person may have an allergic reaction to flax seed, which could result in hives, swelling, wheezing and trouble breathing. Any allergic reaction must be reported to a doctor immediately.
A serious side effect of flax seed is bleeding and easy bruising. In extreme cases, it may cause a hemorrhagic stroke, which is characterized by bleeding in the brain.
When flax seed is not ingested with sufficient water, it may cause severe constipation or an intestinal blockage.
According to the Mayo Clinic, unripe flax seed pods may be poisonous. Small amounts of cyanide are found in a number of raw foods and are neutralized in the body at ordinary levels. Raw flax seed may increase blood levels of cyanide (see Resource below).