How to Cure Joint Pain
DRINK GREEN TEA -- The catechins in green tea can help reduce joint pain. And add some lemon to the tea! The ascorbic acid in a squit of lemon juice helps the joint pain healing catechins be absorbed by the body more easily.
EAT CORN -- Have an ear of corn with lunch or dinner. The carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin in corn reduces join pain by easing swelling in the connective tissues that line joint cavities. Don't have fresh corn? Frozen or canned will work just fine too!
TAKE A WARM BATH -- Soak in a warm bath and add a bit of bath oil or put a few drops of baby oil in the water. Then rub your sore joints with the oily water. But be careful when getting out of the tub! It will be slippery. Be sure you wash the tub after too so the next person who steps in won't slip and fall.
TAKE FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTS -- Fish oil have come a long way. You can buy fish oil capsules that do not leave any fishy after taste at all. And it's one supplement that is very affordable and it's so good for many things. One good thing fish oil does is help reduce inflamation which helps ease joint pain!