Natural Skin Whitening Remedies
Using Lemon Juice
Lemon juice has traditionally been a popular remedy for freckles and age spots. Today, science has shown that lemons do have a mild bleaching affect upon the skin. To bleach the skin, wet a washcloth with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon or some drops from a bottle of lemon juice. Apply the juice to the discolored areas a few times daily. The lemons can not only lighten skin, but also exfoliate with the citric acid found in the lemons.
Using Buttermilk
Buttermilk has many uses as a skin care product. It is recommended for cleansing the skin because of its lactic acid, which has exfoliating and cleansing properties. The fat in buttermilk is also soothing to the skin. By removing the top layer of the skin, new skin can grow. As the skin repairs itself, the new skin is less discolored. Exfoliation seems to accelerate skin renewal, which can help in whitening the skin. To get an even tone, wash the skin twice a day with the buttermilk, then rinse off with warm water.
Using Glycolic Acid
Glycolic acid is a very popular skin care ingredient. It is an alpha hydroxy acid, made from fruit. When used on the skin as a chemical peel, the glycolic acid has a skin whitening affect; it does this by removing the epidermis or top skin layer. After this occurs, the skin has to repair and renew itself and the discolored areas are now lighter in tone. There are many at-home chemical peel kits. They are sold at beauty salons and online. The glycolic acid comes in concentration of ten to around 50 percent. Always start with the lowest concentration so as not to damage your skin. Glycolic acid is an acid and if not used properly it can burn the skin. As an acid, it is stronger than citric acid and lactic acid. Be sure to follow all directions carefully. Several applications will probably be needed before a significant improvement is seen.