Cayenne Pepper Remedies
Heart Health
The active ingredient in cayenne, capsaicin, has a thinning effect on the blood and if consumed regularly it is said to aid in the prevention of blood clots. Patients going into cardiac arrest where the needed medication is not available can be given cayenne tea. The capsaicin will stop the clotting action in the arteries, halt the heart attack and prevent further damage. Cayenne tea used for this purpose is made by putting 1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder into a cup of hot water. Symptoms will usually subside immediately after ingesting the cayenne tea and the patient should be referred immediately for emergency care. For preventive measures a capsule of cayenne powder can be taken with each meal.
Arthritis Pain
Capsaicin is also an excellent pain reliever for arthritis pain, since it actually prevents pain signals from being transmitted to the brain. Arthritis sufferers will usually notice an initial increase in pain and then the pain will gradually decrease. The remedy dosage for arthritis is usually to take two capsules three times per day with meals. The capsules must be consumed regularly for the cayenne treatment to remain effective.
First Aid
Although cayenne pepper has the ability to dissolve clots it can actually be used to help the blood clot in first aid situations. When a cut is bleeding, cayenne pepper can be poured right onto the would and it will stop the bleeding. The area should be washed first to remove any debris. After sprinkling the cayenne liberally, a loose bandage can be placed over the area. The cayenne will usually prevent the pain associated with this type of wound and will also aid in healing with minimal scarring.
Cold and Sinus Problems
Sprinkling cayenne pepper in your soup can help shorten the duration of a cold and it can also open your sinuses. The cayenne helps to control the aches that often accompany colds and flu. It gets body fluids moving and this helps to open the sinuses when they are stuffy. This can be accomplished by sprinkling the cayenne powder into your soup or by dropping a few drops of cayenne extract into your dish.