Arthritis Inflammation Home Cures

Arthritis inflammation and the pain associated with it has plagued the human race for centuries. Many sufferers have sought relief from this painful ailment in the form of home remedies. While most doctors claim that there is no absolute cure for arthritis there are some home remedies and practices which offer substantial alleviation from the pain.
  1. Juice Remedies

    • Potato juice has long been used as a treatment for arthritis. The juice is made by slicing a medium-size potato into a jar and covering with one cup of cold water to sit overnight. Leave the skin on the potato. The next morning strain the liquid from the potato slices; drink the juice upon arising while the stomach is still empty.

      Raw juices extracted from leafy green vegetables, carrots and celery are also good for arthritis inflammation. The alkaline properties of raw juices act to reduce the deposits that gather around joints and cause pain. Equal parts of each type of vegetable should be mixed together and consumed daily. Fresh pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain that has been found beneficial in reducing swelling when extracted fresh and consumed on a regular basis.

    Rubs and External Remedies

    • A rub can be made from essential oils including lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, garlic, sassafras and juniper. Mix these together and combine with warm olive oil at a rate of one part essential oil mixture to 10 parts olive oil. Rub this directly on the affected joints to achieve immediate relief.

      Add 1/4 cup of epsom salts to bath water and soak for 30 minutes for one of the simplest and least expensive arthritis remedies. Spending time in salt water has also been found to be beneficial. If the ocean is not readily available, add one cup of sea salt to bath water for a 30-minute soak.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Taking apple cider vinegar on a daily basis can help with arthritis pain and inflammation as well as a host of other ailments. The vinegar brings the body to its proper ph. It needs to be the organic kind that has to be shaken up to stir in the sediment that settles on the bottom of the jar. Mix one tablespoon with a glass of water and drink two to three times each day to start. A little honey can be added to improve the taste. Most people will notice a decrease in symptoms within days of beginning the apple cider regimen.

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