Folk Remedies for Night Leg Pains
Camphor, Steam Baths and Red Flannel
Mix 10 grams of camphor oil with 200 grams of mustard oil in a glass bottle. Let the bottle sit in the sun until the camphor oil has dissolved. Once the mixture is ready, you can massage into the affected area daily for relief of night leg pains.
Regular steam baths, and massage once a week, will provide some relief as well.
Try wrapping a red flannel garment or cloth around the affected area for relief too.
Walnuts, Cod Liver Oil, Fenugreek and Saffron
Eat three or four shelled walnuts first thing in the morning to relieve night leg pain.
Taking one teaspoon daily of cod liver oil can provide relief in the legs, as well as other ailments.
Take one to two teaspoonfuls of fenugreek powder in warm water first thing in the morning.
Boil one teaspoon of saffron in water, and divide into thirds. Choosing three equally spaced out times during your day, drink this solution to relieve night leg pain and leg cramps.
A Bar of Soap
One of the more bizarre folk remedies to eliminate leg pain, and specifically leg cramps, is to take a bar of soap, unwrap it and put it in the bed where you sleep. Place the unwrapped soap near your feet, under the fitted sheet. This should help with your symptoms of chronic leg pain, as well as restless leg syndrome. If the night leg pains come back, simply replace the bar of soap.
Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are known for their healing properties. Take a bath in epsom salts to relieve leg pain, and other sore muscles. Put three cups of epsom salts into your bathwater, and soak for at least 15 minutes for maximum relief of night leg pain. You may also try adding two drops of peppermint essential oil to energize the bath, and help with the pain.