Folk Remedies Using Food

Folk remedies using food have been around for years. It seems as though just about everyone has a folk remedy or two in their arsenal for treating everyday aches, pains and ailments. Some of the most popular folk remedies include using apple cider vinegar, blackstrap molasses, raw apples, cabbage and garlic. Often, using a food folk remedy is just as effective as an over-the-counter or prescription medication. If you are not achieving the desired results from your folk remedy, consult with your physician for a treatment plan.
  1. Apples and Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Eat an apple at night to combat acid reflux disease. Apples are high in pectin, which seems to reduce the formation of acid in the stomach. Jonagold apples in particular are very high in pectin and are a good choice in treating acid reflux problems.

      Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar once a day to reduce blood pressure. Mix a teaspoon in your favorite juice or a glass of water and sip. Apple cider vinegar is also helpful with losing weight. Again, just a teaspoon mixed in your favorite beverage and sip throughout the day. You may add some honey to sweeten your beverage if desired. Do not take apple cider vinegar straight without mixing it into another liquid, as it will erode your tooth enamel.

    Blackstrap Molasses

    • Blackstrap molasses is considered to be one of the best folk remedies around. It is believed to help with fibroids, anxiety, constipation, edema, heart palpitations, anemia, arthritis, chronic joint pain and skin problems. The standard is to take 1 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses every morning if you are experiencing any of the above conditions. You may also make a tasty beverage with blackstrap molasses: Combine 1 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses in a glass, a very small amount of hot water, just enough to cover the molasses and 3/4 cup of milk. Stir, and top off with some ice. This is just like chocolate milk. You may also sweeten your coffee with 1 tbsp. of blackstrap molasses. Blackstrap contains high levels of potassium and iron. Make sure you purchase unsulphured molasses, which is considered healthier.

    Cabbage and Garlic

    • Cabbage contains high amounts of several nutrients: vitamin A, which is good for the skin and eyes; vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant; and vitamins E and B, the former another antioxidant and the latter good for maintaining nerve endings and boosting energy. Make a salad using raw cabbage and improve the look and feel of your skin and reduce your fatigue. It is also thought to help with PMS and stomach pain.

      Garlic is commonly used to treat colds and sinus infections. Make a hot toddy like they do in Scotland, and combine whiskey, garlic cloves, honey and some lemon. Blend together and make into a tea. You can also just chew up some raw cloves of garlic at the first sign of a cold or infection.

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