Vinegar Natural Cures
Sinus Infections
Take apple-cider vinegar at the first sign of a cold or sinus infection. Once you get a stuffy nose, watery eyes or feel a sinus headache coming on, you have to act quickly to stop the histamine response. In addition, certain properties in apple-cider can help thin mucus. Add one-quarter cup of apple-cider vinegar to a 16-ounce glass of water and drink. If you catch the symptoms early enough, you may only have to take a dose or two. Otherwise, continue drinking the mixture up to three times each day for several days, or until you get relief from symptoms. In most cases, symptoms should start to disappear within 24 hours. The best defense is to begin drinking the mixture every day to prevent the onset of a cold or sinus infection. Apple-cider vinegar can also be used as a remedy to alleviate symptoms related to allergies.
Pectin, a water-soluble fiber found in apple-cider vinegar, neutralizes acids in the stomach. Add two tablespoons of vinegar to an eight-ounce glass of water or unsweetened apple juice and drink the mixture three times a day. This same remedy can be used to soothe the irritated lining of the colon caused by diarrhea. Drinking apple-cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water also helps with digestion by promoting peristalsis, the muscle contractions that move food being digested through the esophagus into the intestines.
Apple-cider vinegar is also believed to relieve the symptoms of arthritis by reducing inflammation of joints. The malic acid in apple-cider vinegar apparently aids in dissolving uric-acid deposits surrounding the joints, thereby alleviating pain and reducing stiffness associated with arthritis. Malic acid is a natural substance found in vegetables and fruits, such as apples. You can also use vinegar to relieve arthritis pain by soaking a clean cotton washcloth in a mixture of one and a half cups of hot water and a quarter cup of apple-cider vinegar. Make sure the water is not too hot. Wring the water out of the washcloth and place it over the sore joint.
Keeping the urinary tract acidic can prevent urinary-tract infections caused by the overgrowth of yeast in that area of the body. Apple-cider vinegar helps maintain a balanced pH, and therefore discourages the growth of yeast, bacteria, viruses and fungal organisms. Mix one teaspoon of apple-cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey in an eight-ounce glass of warm water and drink three times daily, preferably 30 minutes before eating a meal.
Apple-cider vinegar can be used to treat acne by killing bacteria and balancing the skin's pH level. Dilute one part apple-cider vinegar in three parts water. Apply to the skin with a clean cotton ball or swab. Leave the solution on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat the process three times a day. Potassium in the vinegar also aids in repairing tissue.
Blood Glucose
A study conducted by researchers at Arizona State University suggests that apple-cider vinegar may help individuals with type-2 diabetes control the disease. Data shows that taking two tablespoons of vinegar before going to bed lowers blood-glucose levels when awakening the next day. Earlier studies have focused on taking apple-cider vinegar at mealtime to curb any rise in blood sugar. The supposition is that the acetic acid in the vinegar may alter glycogen metabolism in the liver.