The Definition of a Water Pill
Water pills stop the body from absorbing sodium, which causes the kidneys to speed up the production of urine. There are three different kinds of water pill. There is a risk of losing too much potassium, so certain water pills help you retain it while expelling sodium.
Reducing Blood Pressure
Water pills help reduce blood pressure by reducing the blood volume with constant flushing. According to an eight-year study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, water pills can be just as effective as prescription medicine for hypertension.
If being used for weight loss, water pills can causes complications like blood pressure that is too low or the loss of essential nutrients. The weight lost from water pills is never permanent.
Other Side Effects
People taking water pills may feel fatigue during the first few days of treatment as the body adjusts to the medication.
There is no standard dosage for water pills, and since there are so many varieties it is best to consult with a doctor before taking them on your own.