How to Prepare and use a castor oil pack
Things You'll Need
- 1 Small piece of flannel
- Castor Oil
- Saran Wrap
- towels
- Microwave
Prepare a piece of flannel by cutting it to a size appropriate for the area you are treating. For instance, if you are placing the flannel on you abdomen, make sure it covers the area completely.
Immerse the piece of flannel into the castor oil. It should be well saturated, but not dripping. After it is completely covered in oil, squeeze out any excess and put to the side.
Next tear off a small piece of Saran Wrap, any brand will do, this will be used to cover the top of the saturated flannel when it is placed on your body to prevent dripping.
Take the castor oil soaked flannel and warm in the microwave for no more than 1.5 minutes. Let cool enough to place on your skin without burning.
Now you will lay in a comfortable reclining position, placing a towel underneath you and placing the flannel with the Saran Wrap on top, onto the affected area you are trying to treat. Cover this area with a second towel.
If desired you may place a hot water bottle on top of the Saran Wrap to keep it warm for a longer period of time. Relax and enjoy some peace and quiet while the castor oil pack does it's magic. Leave on for a minimum of 30 minutes for the full benefit. You may re-use the pack about 25-30 times.
When done with the application of the pack, you may place it in the refrigerator for the next use. It is advisable to follow the castor oil pack procedure for at least a week to see optimum results.