How to Cut Caffeine
Things You'll Need
- Herbal tea
- Aromatherapy candles or essential oils
Can the caffeine
Take stock of your caffeine intake. Caffeine is actually a drug and like any other drug, your body will fight you when you try to quit. Before you even try, though, you need to know where you are getting the caffeine. Coffee, tea or chocolate are the big three, followed by energy drinks. Even many of today's prescription drugs contain caffeine. Excedrin, Midol and Dexatrim all have caffeine, so check those labels before you use any medication.
Substitute herbal tea for coffee. Ginsing tea can provide increased energy and alertness and is also quite tasty. Peppermint tea also has an energizing effect on the body and has the added bonus of soothing headaches and upset stomachs, both of which you may experience when you cut caffeine. Ephedra tea can relieve the stuffy-nosed, fuzzy-head feeling that many wake up with, and its effects can last up to 24 hours.
Turn up the heat with cayenne. Cayenne can have a surprisingly stimulating effect on a worn-out body. Plus, it has been shown to boost metabolism, relieves gas and release endorphins, which give you a mild feeling of euphoria. Drink it as tea or add it as a spice to your food.
Try aromatherapy. Certain scents can wake you up and get you moving, including eucalyptus, basil, cinnamon, sage and rosemary. The essential oil or candles with these scents can have the same effect as a cup of tea.
Chew on it. Drinking and eating aren't the only way to get the effects of natural stimulants. Chewing peppermint or cinnamon gum can have the same effect as drinking a cup of herbal tea and is sometimes more convenient.
Prepare for some side effects Although your ridding yourself of potential negative side effects of caffeine--nutrient depletion, interference with DNA, insomnia, increased heart rate--when you cut out caffeine, you also may experience unpleasant side effects. Often the major one is a headache that won't quit, but the long term results from cutting caffeine are worth the temporary pain.