How to Make Ginger Infused Honey
Another thing I love about it is if you buy honey that hasn't been pasteurized, it is rich in enzymes and is good at chasing away those germs. And I often use ginger to help strengthen my immune system.
The problem is, I get tired of drinking ginger tea all the time. So, I keep a good supply of ginger infused honey on hand. You can stir some in plain yogurt, use it in your oatmeal and stir it in your tea. I especially like it when mixed with either chamomile or green tea. Here is how to infuse ginger with honey.
Things You'll Need
- 2-inch piece of whole ginger root
- Honey, approximately one cup
- 8 oz. mason jar with a tight lid
You can find ginger root at almost any supermarket nowadays. Look for a root that doesn't look shriveled and dried out. Sometimes I see them like that. You want to find one that looks nice and fresh.
Cut off a 2-inch piece from the ginger root. Using the edge of a spoon or a paring knife, scrape off the skin. If the root is fresh it should come off really easily.
Roughly chop the root and gently crush it with the bottom of a glass or the back of your knife.
Place it in a sterilized 8 oz. glass jar (I like to use a mason jar). If you can't find a mason jar, you can use any jar you can find.
Pour honey over the ginger root right up to the top. Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator. You can start using it after about 4 days. It will keep for about 2 weeks.