How to Make an Herbal Tea for Digestion
Thankfully, I've learned that there are certain herbs out there that help with digestion. Any herb that has bitter properties, such as dandelion leaf (which can be pretty strong) or chamomile (which has mild bitter properties) are great for digestion. The bitter principals in these plants help stimulate the digestive juices. When consumed before, during and/or after a large meal, it can really help keep your energy up because it helps the digestive system do its job even faster.
I have a favorite tea blend that I reach for to help my digestion. This blend includes herbs that are readily available to me. I pick dandelion leaves in the spring and early summer and let them dry to use year round. In addition to having a mild bitter action, chamomile can also help ease stomach aches and cramps. The peppermint and spearmint are included to help flavor the blend, ease flatulence and help control any muscle spasms.
This recipe is written using the simpler's method, which means that the measurement is calculated in "parts." Just choose a measurement such as a teaspoon or a tablespoon to use in place of the "parts." So if you choose a teaspoon and the ingredient reads "2 parts peppermint," you'll add 2 tsp. of peppermint to the blend.
Things You'll Need
- 3 Parts dried chamomile flowers
- 2 Parts dried dandelion leaves
- 1 Part dried peppermint leaves
- 1 Part dried spearmint leaves
- Airtight container
Take some time to find the highest quality herbs you can. If you are able to pick and dry your own, do so. If not, find a reputable source in your area. You can also order online. Check Resources below for a link to my favorite supplier, Mountain Rose Herbs.
Combine all of the ingredients in a small bowl. Stir gently with a wooden spoon.
Transfer to an airtight container such as a mason jar or a plastic storage container. Cover and store in a cool, dark and dry place.
When ready to drink, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tsp. of the herb. You may want to use a tea strainer to make it easier. You can have one cup before your meal, one during, and/or one after.