How to Tell English Chamomile from Roman Chamomile
Compare their growing habits. Roman chamomile is a perennial, ground-hugging plant. As it grows, its foliage forms a thick, aromatic groundcover. German chamomile, on the other hand, is an annual herb with tall, erect stems and more sparsely spaced foliage. Roman chamomile grows up to one foot in length, while German chamomile grows two to three feet high.
Compare their flowers. The flowers of Roman Chamomile have a flattened central disk (receptacle), while German Chamomile has a dome-shaped receptacle.
Slice open the receptacle of a chamomile bloom. If it has a solid cross-section, then the bloom is from the Roman chamomile; if it is hollow, then it is from the German chamomile.
Extract and compare their essential oils. Both species yield aromatic, blue essential oil. However, Roman chamomile yields a light blue essential oil when fresh, while essential oil extracted from German chamomile is a dark, inky shade of blue.
Compare their active chemical constituents. Roman chamomile has a higher alcohol content than German chamomile, which in turn contains a higher proportion of chamazulene, a potent anti-inflammatory.