How to Treat an Earache Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Colloid silver
- Clove of garlic
- Olive oil
- Liquid echinacea
- Liquid goldseal
- Lavender oil
- Eye dropper
- Small bowl
Blend a clove of garlic and 3 tbsp. of olive oil until they are liquid. Lay on your side and use an eyedropper or cotton swab to put two to three drops in the ear that hurts. Remain in that position for about a half hour. Do this three times a day. If you are the person with the earache, it's best to have a helper put the drops in your ear.
Use mullein oil. Shake the bottle well and use two to three drops in the ear canal. Lay on your side for 25 to 30 minutes so it has a chance to go deep into the ear canal. Do this procedure twice a day.
Take colloid silver in a table, or place drops in your ear. This is a natural antibiotic.
Mix liquid goldenseal and echinacea together as ear drops, or buy a pre-mixed bottle. Use according to the directions on the bottle.
Give yourself a Qigong massage. Place the first finger behind the ear and the middle finger in front, below the cheekbone. They should form a V. Apply and release pressure as you move your fingers downward until the index finger reaches the bottom lobe. Move your fingers upward doing the same pressure motion. Do this 36 times. It helps to drain the lymphatic system.
Inhale the aroma of lavender oil using a steam method. Put steamy water in a small bowl and add five to six drops of lavender oil. Tent and inhale for at least five minutes.