How to Use Rhubarb for Health
Things You'll Need
- Fresh rhubarb stalk
- Powdered rhubarb root
- Liquid rhubarb extract
Move bowels. Fresh rhubarb stalk is a great source of dietary fiber. Expect action 8 hours following ingestion.
Extinguish heartburn. Eat a cold piece of rhubarb stalk. The soothing juice combined with saliva neutralizes stomach acid and restores health.
Lower cholesterol. Eat a daily helping of fresh rhubarb stalk, or take 27 grams of ground stalk per day. Rhubarb is particularly effective in reducing the low density lipoproteins that cause poor health.
Calm hot flashes. Take 4 milligrams of rhubarb extract daily. Hot flashes will diminish within 3 months.
Battle bacteria. Rhubarb inhibits staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria enter broken skin and cause infection. Moisten rhubarb powder with water to make a paste. Apply it topically.