How to Remove Warts Naturally
Crush or slice a garlic clove, place it on the wart and cover it with a bandage for seven nights.
Pick a dandelion and squeeze the white milky liquid from the stem onto the wart once or twice every day for several days.
Crush a vitamin C tablet, apply it to the wart and cover it with a bandage. Repeat for several days until wart disappears.
Apply a drop of grapefruit, papaya or pineapple extract on the wart several times a day and cover with a bandage or place a piece of banana peel, peel side out, on the wart. Tape it in place day and night and change the peel two or three times a day until the wart is gone. Grapefruit, papaya, pineapple and bananas have enzymes that can often remove warts safely.
Rub a piece of raw potato on the wart several times a day for a few weeks until the wart disappears.
Apply fresh aloe vera juice or apple cider vinegar to the wart. Repeat several times every day.
Suffocate the wart by placing a piece of duct tape on it. Keep it in place for about a week and then soak the wart until it is soft and file it down with an emery board.