What is the orgin of word swell?

The word "swell" has several origins, depending on its meaning. Here are a few:

1. As an adjective meaning "very good or impressive":

- Origin: Late 18th century, from British slang. Possibly an alteration of "swingeing" (meaning "large" or "impressive") or influenced by "swill" (meaning "to drink greedily").

2. As a verb meaning "to increase in size or volume":

- Origin: Early 16th century, from Middle English "swellen," probably from Old English "swellan." Possibly related to Old Norse "svell" (meaning "to swell" or "to boil").

3. As a noun meaning "a large wave":

- Origin: Mid-19th century, from surfers' slang. Shortening of "swellhead," used to describe waves with a pronounced bulge.

4. As an informal exclamation expressing approval or enthusiasm:

- Origin: Late 19th century, possibly an abbreviated form of "swell thing." Popularized in the United States in the early 20th century.

Overall, the origins of the word "swell" come from a mix of Old English, Middle English, Norse, and British slang. Its various meanings evolved over time and were influenced by slang and colloquial usage.

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